Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Activities @ your library

Yes, we were open on Saturday! Quite a few people were surprised to find out the library was open. Our library patrons came to utilize our computers, peruse the shelves or simply to study and do some research. Our friendly staff provided them an Easter treat when they applied for a library card, checked out books or asked questions. Below are some the activities we had on Saturday.

Easter Egg Hunt @ Family Storytime

Our family storytime was all about the letter H.  Not only did children participate in fun activities but also their parents. Children were amused watching their parents participate in a Hula Hoop Contest. After our Family Storytime, children hopped the path of bunny footprints to the children's area to hunt for Easter eggs. Once they gathered their eggs, they received some treats at the checkout counter by our spirited staff.

Desert Weeds Printmaking Workshop
with Oscar Moya and Lydia Limas

Parents and children had the opportunity to receive special art instruction by Oscar Moya and Lydia Limas in basic printmaking. When entering the workshop, there was a frenzy of activity. Workshop participants were fully engaged in their tasks. Using simple objects found in our backyards, participants created colorful pieces with beautiful textures. This program was made possible by the City of El Paso Museums  and Cultural Affairs Department.

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